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Arlington-DC Questions

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 5 months ago

Arlington-DC Questions


Q:I have heard that tours of certain government sites such as the Library of Congress, National Archives, Pentagon can be arranged but only for groups and only with advance arrangements. I was wondering if there were any organized tours offered as options with this conference as there are with some other conferences.


A: No, the conference does not arrange tours to other venues in the DC area but I'm sure if you want to work through the local librarians in those venues, you could arrange something.



Q: If anybody has tips on what restaurants near the Hyatt can hold dine-arounds, please leave the infomration here. The dine-arounds are often in restaurants that provide casual dining and that can hold a group of 15 - 20 people (sometimes more). Thanks! -- Jill H-W


A: I'm a local, but I must admit that I've never walked around the Crystal City area of Arlington County. The Crystal City Shops can be reached from the conference hotel within 15 minutes on foot. It's a fairly "new" area. There are both upscale and "fast casual" restaurants there, so I can imagine most of the conference-goers heading there.


In terms of the kinds of restaurants that might be appropriate for dine-arounds, it's a little different than the Dupont Circle area of DC. There are your national chains like Ruth's Chris, Morton's, Chili's, Bertucci's, and Ted's Montana Grill. There are also local favorites McCormick & Schmick's and Jaleo nearby. Of course, there are other restaurants, but I don't know much about them. I'll report back later.


The streets to remember for restaurants are 23rd Street South, Crystal Drive, and Crystal Plaza Arcade.



Q:Is there a grocery store within walking distance?



A: Your best bet will be the Safeway in Crystal Plaza, about eight blocks north of the conference hotel.


A2: The Crystal Plaza Safeway sadly closed in 2005, but there's a new Harris-Teeter at Route 1 and South Glebe Rd, two (very long!) blocks to the south. And across the creek from that is a Shopper's Food Warehouse.



Q:Is there a liquor/wine/beer store within walking distance?



A: For beer and wine, see previous answer. Grocery stores in Virginia usually carry beer and wine.  Also 7-11 and most convenience stores stock beer and wine.


A2: As for liquor... in Virginia, it's only sold at ABC (Alcohol Beverage Control) stores regulated at the county or independent city level. There is one Virginia ABC store in Crystal City near the Chili's restaurant. It's open limited hours on Sunday (1-6pm) and 10-9 other days. Address is 320 23rd St S. 22202.


A3: The CVS pharmacy near the conference hotels sells beer and wine. (and orange juice and milk too!)



Q:Is there another hotel within walking distance?


A: There are other hotels in walking distance, but be sure to check an online map before booking.  Just because a hotel says "in Crystal City" doesn't mean it's close to the conference location. Check the hotel page for more specific details.



Q: Is there a computer store in the area where I can buy the Asus EEE?






Q: Where can I find some good restaurants?



A: On this wiki, here's a page with detailed restaurant information. Also, along 23rd Street (very short walk), there are Thai, Italian, Mexican and other restaurants, just past South Eads Street (in case you can't decide and want to just find 'something' at lunch.




Q:  I'm arriving in DC prior to the conference and have NY Yankees tickets for the Saturday, April 5th 1:05pm game at Yankee Stadium.  I'm staying at the Hyatt Regency.  From the locals' perspective, what is the best way to travel to NY city for the game?  I am interested in going by train, what is the best route?  Amtrak to/from Penn Station?  And I do have an extra ticket, if anyone is interested!  vicvalleroy@hotmail.com



A:  I would recommend a train from Union Station in Washington, D.C. to Penn Station in NYC.  The train will take ~3hours, but I would allow for extra time, so take an early train.  (That is me being paranoid.)  There is a 7:30 a.m. train that gets in NYC at 10:43 a.m., if everything is on time.


From Penn Station, you may need to walk a few blocks to the east in order to catch a subway to Yankee Stadium.  Yankee subway info is at http://newyork.yankees.mlb.com/nyy/ballpark/directions_parking.jsp#subway The subway stop is right by Yankee Stadium.


[Written by someone -- JHW -- who has lived in D.C. and also been to Yankee Stadium by subway.]



Q: I'm staying at the Hyatt Regency and running in the Cherry Blossom 10 mile race on Sunday morning at 7:50am. Any ideas on what is the best way to travel to the start? The metro has been suggested, but the online system doesn't currently state the trains are running beginning at 5am as the race organizers say. Also, which train would we board and how long will it take to arrive to the Smithsonian metro station?





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