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Arlington-DC Tips

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 6 months ago

Arlington-DC Tips


If you have any information about Arlington and DC to share with others, please add it here.






  • The conference hotel is within sight of Reagan National Airport, so your best bet would be to fly into there.


  • You might be able to save some money by flying into BWI, then take a train $6 - 12 into Union Station and a cab for $15 or the Metro for $2 to the Crystal City stop. I was able to get my fare for less then 1/2 of flying into National, and it's a nonstop flight too.


  • In the image below, the hotel is the V-shaped building at the bottom, and Reagan National Airport is to the right. The Crystal City Metro Station is North of this picture along the main North/South road (Jefferson Highway).




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