Hello, my name is Jody Fagan! I spoke this Tuesday at 10:30am on "Mashups for Non-Techies: Yahoo! Pipes..." I've posted some Q&A below! Donald Hawkins from ITI blogged me on the ITI blog!
Here's a link to the final slideshow, summary link page, and a homework assignment!
Mashups for the Nontechies_Final.ppt
Here's a link to my home page: http://jcf-hp.blogspot.com/ which has links to other sites such as my LibraryThing site...
Here's my work contact info page for Official Phone Number and stuff like that: http://www.lib.jmu.edu/staffdir/bio.aspx?uid=4
Q&A from the session itself!
Q: How to track usage of your RSS feeds / XML file when you are using them with Yahoo! Pipes?
A: I'm not a total expert on this, but if you are actually serving up a file, such as an xml file, you can track the number of hits using you server logs, and they will tell you which hits came from Yahoo Pipes (pipes.yahoo.com).
Q: Someone asked how to mashup Google Maps and Yahoo! Pipes!
A: Google Mashup Editor and Yahoo! Pipes: Friend, not Foe
Q: Someone had the great idea of using Google Maps and Yahoo Pipes to take an Excel of, say, conference attendees, and them map their home locations so you can see on a map where they all came from!
Below I am posting a summary of links that I will be referring to during the presentation:
Summary: links and other takeaways from “Mashups for non-Techies,” CIL 2008
Jody Condit Fagan, Digital Services Librarian, James Madison University
faganjc@jmu.edu |
Find out more about:
Example Feed Sources (from public information):
Information Today http://www.infotoday.com/thismonth.xml
Library Journal http://www.libraryjournal.com/learnRss
To find more: Go to your favorite sites and look for: or
Example Data Sources: may require APIs
Yahoo! Pipes comes with data sources such as Flickr, Google Base, Yahoo! Shopping
Advanced users may wish to check out Amazon Web Services: http://aws.amazon.com/
Sites where you can set up your own info as feed sources (from your stuff):
Feed Readers / Data aggregators
Google Reader: http://reader.google.com
Bloglines: http://www.bloglines.com/
Other useful tools:
Comments (1)
Richard Glass said
at 10:06 am on Apr 8, 2008
nice talk :-) I am in the back and got in a little late but here is a tool that isn't bad. http://sendmerss.com . this will email you feeds. great for those that want email.
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