
Hi, my name is Roger Skalbeck.  I'm a law librarian at Georgetown Law Library in Washington, D.C.  I designed and run the law library's website, and I manage our blog, called Due Process. I have written articles for, I write a column called "Tech Talk" for Law Library Lights and I am on the board of the Law Librarian's Society of Washington, D.C.  I like palindromes, sushi and German arts and humor.


Together with Barbara Fullerton, we presented "Tech Tools for Effectively Managing Information" at 10:30 on April 9 (of course for the Computers in Libraries conference).  Despite some loud microphone feedback, it was (we hope) a lively interactive demonstration of several tools for managing information. We had fun, and we hope to do this type of presentation again. Check out this amazing sketch of us to see what we looked like when we presented. (thanks madinkbeard)


Links from: Tech Tools for Effectively Managing Information


Following is a list of the tools we talked about, together with some related links.



We've also linked these tools, together with related stories and some tools we're not using on this page:


If anybody has questions or suggestions about the presentation, contact me (Roger).