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Sunday Night Gaming

Page history last edited by Jenn Nolte 16 years, 5 months ago

Sign up for the CIL08 Rock Band (or Guitar Hero or DDR) Tournament! 


We'll probably only have time for one tournament, so sign up for any game you're interested in playing.  The game with the most participants will win!




Rock Band (please include band name and members)




Drummer for hire! Needs band! What I lack in rhythm, I make up for in enthusiasm ;) Currently playing most songs on Medium level. - Beth G.

   I'm willing to be a drummer but only on Easy. -Michael Sauers

Definitely Rock Band. I won't be there until late, but plan on performing Epic with Aaron Schmidt and anyone else who's feelin' the Faith No More. - Greg Schwartz

 - Guitar/Bass player for Hire!  I can do both on Medium.  Also have started working on Bass on Hard. - Christa Burns

- Am a novice on guitar and drums, but will rock out on the vocals! Except some of the weirder songs, like Mississippi Queen... -Jenn Nolte




Guitar Hero

 Officailly, I vote for Guitar Hero. -Michael Sauers








I'd really like to play DDR; I'll have my mat, PS2 and memory card in the car.  I play on Heavy and some songs on Challenge. - Kathy

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